The Pearce Communication Center (PCC) is committed to student excellence, providing the skills-based tools, 技术, and practice for enabling students to achieve their highest potential in written and oral communication, 阅读 competence, 研究方法, and other academic success ventures. Equipped with qualified consultants of diverse skills and expertise, the PCC makes every effort to help students advance their critical writing, 阅读, 说话, and thinking abilities. The PCC values writing, 说话, and reflection as processes and encourages students to appreciate these processes as they develop their competence and confidence through written and oral expression.


Free to you as a Columbia College student! 

  • Writing tutoring for all classes (not just English!)
  • Communication and speech tutoring
  • Spanish tutoring
  • Customized writing plans
  • 研讨会
  • Printed resources and style guides

Hours - Spring 2024


**These hours are subject to change. There will not always be tutors available for walk-in appointments. Check Navigate availabilities. **

students looking at computer


  • 步骤1 - Select the 任命 Calendar from the menu on Navigate
  • 步骤2 - Click "Schedule an Appointment"
  • 步骤3 - Choose reasons for an appointment ("Writing" and "辅导")
  • 步骤4 - Find an available time


Where is the PCC?

The PCC is located in the lower level of Edens 图书馆.

What can I work on at the PCC?

Our mantra is "process over product." In other words, while we do work on individual writing assignments, our purpose is not to make papers better. While that certainly can be a result of an appointment, focusing only on a single paper (e.g., proof阅读 it during an appointment) doesn't do anything to make you a better writer. We want you to be able to think critically about your own writing and develop the skills to write clearly and effectively...没有线上澳博!

atinut inthajak headshot

满足 the Director

Dr. Atinut Inthajak

Dr. Inthajak received her PhD in Rhetoric and Writing from Virginia Tech. Most of her work focuses on rhetoric and composition, second/foreign language acquisition and writing, and English diversity.